EOS - Formiga P 110NL-3DP-EOS-2016-00001
Do you have further questions? Contact us.
Borja Garcia
+34 679 019 350
- Products
- Machine Tools
- EOS Formiga P 110 3D Printer
This EOS Formiga P 110 3D Printer was manufactured in the year 2016 in Germany. The machine has a nominal power of 5W.
- brand: EOS
- year: 2016
- MODEL: Formiga P 110
- application type: 3D Printing
- Location: Netherlands
- machine type: Plastic 3D Printer
- availability: Sold
Technical Information - EOS Formiga P 110
General Data
- Machine weight: 610 kg
Additional Information
- Technical Machine Benefits:
- - Full load current: 12,5 a
- - Nominal power: 5 kw
- - Optional: packing station for machine available for an extra charge
Machine Benefits
*There may be differences between the data shown and the actual values, this should be confirmed by the sales representative.
Borja Garcia
Payment Terms
Payment in advance
Asset Financing
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